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Youtube Youtube - Video tutorials

[1]  How do I add a language to the EuropeSoftwares software?
This tutorial explains how to add a language to EuropeSoftwares. The addition is done with a small utility. The translation can be divided into three phases: opening a file that serves as the basis for the translation, then translating the content into the selected language and finally saving the translated texts in a new file.


[2]  How do I translate a help_XXX.html file from EuropeSoftwares?
This tutorial explains how to translate an HTML file into another language. This translation is done through a specialized site such as Google, Bing or others...


[3]  Run a Java program with administrator rights
This tutorial explains how to run a Java program (jar) with administrator rights. The file must be of type * .BAT. be


[4]  Can Java JRE connect to the Internet?
This tutorial explains how to test whether Java JRE is allowed to connect to the Internet using a small utility (myIP.jar). Otherwise, your computer's firewall may block Java JRE.


[5]  How to install the Java (Oracle) Runtime on a PC.
This tutorial explains how to download and install the Java (Oracle) Runtime on a PC.


[6]  How to Fix Slow PC Issue (Windows 10)
This tutorial explains how to fix slow PC (Windows 10) problems.


[7]  How to Remove Spyware from PC
This tutorial explains how to remove spyware from PC with AdwCleaner software from MalwareBytes.


[8]  How to Fix PC Hard Drive (If Interrupted)
This tutorial explains how to fix PC hard drive if Task Manager detects system interruption (your PC screen freezes unexpectedly).


[9]  How to optimize your PC's internet connection
This tutorial explains how to optimize your PC's internet connection for high speeds.



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